Thrive Automator - WordPress Automation

Automate WordPress with Thrive Automator

WordPress is still one of the most sought-after systems on the market. But its possibilities are limited. With Thrive Automator you can automate many functions not only in WordPress, but also include the functions of 3rd party plugins in your automation. My Thrive Automator review shows you its intuitive use and comfortable control as part of the Thrive Suite.

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Thrive Automator Review

USD 0.00

You can create smart automations that integrate your WordPress website with your favorite plugins and email marketing tools! And Thrive Automator is even free!

By the way, you can use Thrive Automator with all WordPress themes and plugins. You are not limited to products of the suite.

How much does Thrive Automator cost?

Here comes the best! Thrive Automator is free and can be used with all WordPress themes and plugins.

What is Thrive Automator anyway?

The plugin for website automation could also be called an alternative to Zapier.

This means that depending on the actions and interactions of a visitor, different reactions can be triggered. You determine not only the type of reaction, but also its timing.

Direct connections to all content in the Thrive Suite

Using the entire Thrive Suite is particularly advantageous, as Thrive Automation for WordPress connects to all levels of the suite and can integrate the various functions directly into the automation.

So not only does your site become much more flexible and modern by using the Thrive Suite, but the site can include many of these elements in the various automations. Optimal if you want to create a comprehensive and holistic usage concept for your users, where your website adapts to the users and their wishes.

Info: Every Thrive Suite member automatically has access to the Thrive Automator.

How you install the extension in three clicks.
How you install the extension in three clicks.

To install it, you need the Product Manager plugin. Learn how to install a plugin.

External plugins can also be easily integrated

Already now many external 3rd party plugins can be integrated directly through Thrive Automator’s interface.

WordPress developers are actively supported.
WordPress developers are actively supported.

The advantage of a simple and central interface is also recognized by more and more developers of such plugins for WordPress, so that they increasingly enable the connection.

This means that sooner or later you will most likely be able to access and use most of the plugins you use via Thrive Automator. Thus, the number of possibilities increases significantly, which allows you to act even more flexibly with your business.

Why is automation for WordPress websites so important?

In this day and age, good and targeted online marketing is becoming increasingly important. Since here, with a corresponding number of customers, your own capacities quickly reach their limits, you have to keep direct contact with your customers in other ways.

The new plugin is installed. Now you can create your first automation.
The new plugin is installed. Now you can create your first automation.

Be it in the acquisition of new customers as well as in the care of existing customers. By automating many areas, you can interact much more interactively with your visitors or customers and thus bring them closer to your company and your offers.

Instead of long waiting times due to manual customer care, with Thrive Automator you can easily define which reactions with which plugins or solutions should follow an action of a visitor or customer.

This way, you are not only faster than the competition, but you also stay in the customers’ minds with your short response times. Optimal to position yourself on the market as a powerful company.

I myself automate my newsletter and have e-books and my lead magnets automatically delivered to my newsletter subscribers. Without marketing automation, you’re going to have a really hard time in online marketing.

Optimize marketing along the customer journey

Let’s look at marketing along the customer journey as an example. Here, the goal is to provide the customer with the appropriate information at all touch points with the company, if possible. One of the possible starting points for such an interaction could be a user’s subscription to a newsletter.

This automation fires when a form has been submitted.
This automation fires when a form has been submitted.

Using the extension, you can now specify what should happen afterwards. The user should receive a newsletter previously defined in your mail software. This is usually connected to a tracking link, so that the customer can be followed up on the next visit to the website. If the customer selects a product and puts it in the shopping cart, further automations can follow, depending on what further actions the customer takes. If he abandons the purchase, the Thrive Automator can proceed differently according to your specifications than if the customer completes the purchase.

Thus, the number of conversions can be sustainably increased, as each customer is optimally and appropriately served digitally in their customer journey.

Upselling and more through automated functions

The nice thing is that you can use it to act not only in WooCommerce, among others, but also in many other areas of the Thrive Suite.

For example, if you create online courses through Thrive Apprentice and provide them to your users, you can take advantage of some new opportunities here with Thrive Automator, among others.

A simple example.

Start a new campaign after the free session ends.
Start a new campaign after the free session ends.

You offer part one of your course for free in exchange for a registration. The other parts of the course are offered at an amount X. However, those who work through the first course might be convinced to book the other parts of the course with a discount offer.

This is where the Thrive Automator comes into play again. Because this can automatically generate a campaign for the specific user via Thrive Ultimatum with a specific discount for a specific period of time. Or after a purchase in WooCommerce, send various upselling offers to your customer via email. The variety of possibilities with Thrive Automator is huge and also continuously increasing.

Here’s how Thrive Automator works in its basic features

To help you understand how easy it is to automate with Thrive Automator, we would like to show you how easy it is to set up the different automations. Especially since you don’t have to do any programming with Thrive Automator.

Everything is presented to you directly in a graphical interface and allows you to start with the automation immediately, even without any knowledge. The various options can be easily adapted to your needs and wishes, so that all possibilities are covered for almost every area of application.

Graphical structure for a direct overview

The graphical structure is simple and well thought-out. With Thrive Automator, you are simply guided through the entire process.

The overview of all automations.
The overview of all automations.

Thanks to the logical structure, the overview is always available and you can easily switch between the individual steps. In addition, the graphical structure is kept simple, but with enough icons to keep you oriented at all times. So even in hectic or stressful moments you can work with Thrive Automator without any problems, without your work or the result suffering.

All options at a glance – high usability as a core element

Thanks to simple drop-down menus, you can immediately see what options are offered to you by the tool at any time.

Choose the trigger for the new automation.
Choose the trigger for the new automation.

This applies to the triggers as well as to the reactions. You can easily choose from the menu which trigger you want.

Whether it’s a user signing up, signing up for your newsletter, or making a purchase in a store system like WooCommerce. The number of triggers will continue to grow in the future, as more and more plugins are programmed so that their actions are also accepted by Thrive Automator as triggers.

The situation is similar with programmable reactions. Again, reactions don’t have to be determined by Thrive Automator alone, but can also include external plugins. You can select the different reactions in a simple dropdown menu and define the different parameters in more detail afterwards.

The entire system is built logically and is consistent in itself. The simple if-then connections make it especially easy for you to design even complex automations with Thrive Automator.

Automate WordPress: Filters handle the "if" query. If > Then.
Automate WordPress: Filters handle the “if” query. If > Then.

For every action a user takes, the various responses can be listed and executed.

Even if you use Thrive Automator and then don’t look at the various automations again until a long time later, you can immediately see the benefit of each automation and the results associated with it. Even on large and complex websites with a large number of automations, you’ll never lose track.

Connect multiple events with one trigger – stay flexible

Everything you’ve learned so far about Thrive Automator is not yet complete. Because let’s go one step further.

For example, when a customer purchases a product in your WooCommerce store, you can define this as a trigger. But a trigger can’t just trigger a single response, it can be associated with multiple triggers.

Let’s illustrate this with an example. After the purchase of products from your assortment, you can set as the first reaction that the customer gets his own discount for the next purchase via Thrive Ultimatum, which is displayed and inserted directly after the purchase.

Automate WordPress and WooCommerce.
Automate WordPress and WooCommerce.

This is convenient, but will not immediately encourage the customer to make another purchase. Another response could be that after a period of time X, the customer will receive a reminder from you via email, reminding them of the ongoing campaign and the discount that is still available. Among other things, this can trigger another purchase impulse.

Also, the customer can be integrated into your newsletter via yet another response and much more. So you see that with Thrive Automator and a little imagination, you can really retain customers in the long term and reach them optimally at all times.

Use direct mailing automation integration

I tag new users as customers and push them into the right newsletter group.
I tag new users as customers and push them into the right newsletter group.

Many companies are already using a variant of marketing automation, in which newsletters in particular are generated automatically and dynamically. With many of these solutions, it is possible to integrate Thrive Automator directly into the process.

This means, among other things, that you can specify as a reaction to a trigger that the previously programmed processes are triggered within the software you have chosen. In this way, you can integrate users on your website whose e-mail address you know directly into your e-mail automation.

This is the ideal way for all marketing activities in your company to converge and be linked together more effectively.

The functions in Thrive Automator are continuously being expanded

Another advantage of using Thrive Automator is that its range of functions is constantly being expanded and improved. In doing so, user feedback is used as well as suggestions for further integrations. In addition, programmers of plugins are also increasingly interested in opening their plugins for this WordPress plugin.

Therefore, you can expect that the range of functions and possibilities will expand continuously. Even if you are currently already completely satisfied with the range of functions, it may be that your needs will change at some point. In that case, it is good that Thrive Automator will continue to evolve and will most likely be able to meet your future needs.

  • WordPress-Themes and Plugins
    The ultimate Toolbox for Blogger.
  • Perfekt for Online-Marketing
    Create an online business that you control alone.
  • Everything from one source
    • Text creation
    • Marketing
    • Online courses
    • Newsletter
Thrive Suite Logo

Conclusion of the Thrive Automator Review

If you decide to use the Thrive Automator plugin for your website, you will get a powerful tool that not only makes your website more dynamic, but also increases the attractiveness of your own offer.

Accordingly, it makes sense for most innovative companies and startups to directly deal with the entire Thrive suite and directly complement these attractive solutions with the latest extension. This can not only sustainably improve a company’s response times, but also its reputation among customers.

Well-tuned responses can not only convince customers to make a purchase or place an order, but can also keep them loyal to the company for longer.

I have now created a few WordPress automations and I am absolutely thrilled. It doesn’t take you a minute to understand the concept. Also the triggers and actions are super easy to create.

But now I’m curious, are you already using the plugin? Tell me about it in the comments.

Thrive Automator Review


You can create smart automations that integrate your WordPress website with your favorite plugins and email marketing tools! And Thrive Automator is even free!

➥ The Product

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